Thursday, January 27, 2011

Potty Training Can Be Tough Business! Here Are Some New Tips to Help Do the Trick!

Potty Training Can Be a Victory For You Child Too!

1.  Preparation is Key!

This will not be impossible, but it won’t be easy.  Make sure you are prepared to start potty training.  Potty training requires your time and constant energy.  The warmer times of the year, like spring and summer mean that you have less clothes, more vacation time, and a longer amount of daylight to help your little ones to start aiming in the right direction.  Just a suggestion, but any season would do fine for staying on task with the number one and number two jobs with your child.

2.  Fine Tune Your Approach!

Fine tune the direction you’re aiming towards, for success in potty training.  There are a ton of products out there that can help make this process a little easier.  If you check out , they have what they call a Potty Training Personality Profile which helps match your child with training bottoms to match their style of learning.  Some that we recommend have wetness barriers that help to let your child know when they go.

3.  The Potty Chair Can Be Scary, Make It Fun Early On!

The potty chair doesn’t have to be intimidating to your little tots.   Kids will usually show signs that they need to go. Try to become an expert on those signs.  Some kids will be looking at the bathroom a lot, or they may get quiet, or maybe they just haven’t had an accident for a while.  Either way, show them the potty chair, and show them how to use it.  Let them feel ok about using it, by putting a favorite stuffed animal near the potty chair, or by letting them choose their favorite picture books to have by their space.

4.  The More Comfortable the Potty Chair Is, The Easier It Will Be!

Make sure your child is comfortable with the whole potty training business.  Familiarize them with the different supplies that they will use in order to potty train. Let them pick out training pants that have their favorite characters, like spider man, Disney characters, or Handy Manny.  Let them practice sitting on their potty, and washing their hands after they are done, before they use it for the first time.

5.  Remain Positive and Patient!

Try to stay as patient and positive as possible-potty training is no easy job and it can take some time.  Getting impatient can cause setbacks to occur.  However, make sure to give your child encouragement through positive reinforcement.  Help them to feel more comfortable by giving them praise and rewards , to keep them motivated for a job well done.

6.  Consistency is Key!

Try to stay as consistent as possible- once your little tots are out of diapers-they won’t need them anymore.  It’s a known fact that toddlers will get the hang of potty training faster if they don’t go back and forth from diapers to training pants.

7.  Use Interactive Approaches!

To keep your child excited and interested about potty training, use interactive tools like games, reading books, songs, videos, and progress charts using stickers.  Also good role modeling can help tremendously.

8.  Make It a Team Effort!

Teamwork is necessary to the consistency of your child’s potty training.  A little teamwork from grandparents to siblings and everyone in between can go a long way to your child’s success.  Everyone should do their part to encourage your child throughout the potty training experience.

9.  Pack Familiar Potty Training Supplies, When On the Go!

When you can’t be at home, it is important to pack supplies like a child adapter seat, as well as a favorite book so your little ones can feel comfortable to go while they are out and about, as much as possible.

10.  Use Rewards to Motivate!

Rewards help to encourage you child for their success on potty training.  Give them incentives like listening to a favorite song, or a sticker they can wear on their shirt, a stamp on their hand, well you get the idea.  But above all, stick with it, and be patient, potty training your child will happen before you know it!

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