Thursday, January 27, 2011

Diaper Duty, We all have to do it at some point!

Get The Scoop About Pee and Poop!

With the arrival of her second daughter two years ago, Denise Williams of Delray Beach, FL, considered herself a diapering expert.  That was, until her son Michael came along and squirted her in the face!

It may not be your first time, but it is safe to say, if you have a little baby, it probably won't be your last!  Changing diapers can be an easy process gone wrong.  So here are some tips to make it go right!

Tips for a boy!

First lay a clean diaper, washcloth, or paper towel over his penis to avoid the spray Williams got!

Lift up his legs and thoroughly clean the area beneath your son's scrotum every time you wipe him, says Jan Ingalls, charge nurse at the newborn nursery at the Riley Children’s  Hospital of Indianapolis.

While putting on a fresh diaper, direct his penis downward and toward the center to prevent leaks from the top or sides. (And don't be surprised if your guy has a little erection--it's totally normal.)

Tips for a girl

Start cleaning from the top of her labia down to the anus, checking the folds in between.

If you see a sticky substance in the vagina's folds, just wipe it away. It's most likely vernix, which protects a baby's skin in the womb and can reappear as it's secreted from the vagina.

At bathtime, rinse the area really well and skip the soap (you can clean with Cetaphil if you want more than just water). Soap has been blamed for an increase in urinary-tract infections in girls.
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