Monday, January 31, 2011

Monkey Joes in Boca!

Monkey Joe, a furry purple monkey, lived on a secret island named Coco-nutty Island. All of the monkeys on the island were different colors and some even had stripes. Monkey Joe was a very active and healthy monkey who surfed ocean waves, climbed the coconut trees and skateboarded on slate rock.

One day, Monkey Joe was climbing the tallest tree on Coco-nutty Island and he slipped and fell, but didn't get hurt-- he bounced off a patch of vines and moss that had grown over a hole. "What fun this is to bounce!" thought Monkey Joe.

He was so excited about his new found fun that Monkey Joe and his friends explored the island to find more bouncy places for everyone to enjoy. They even found a smooth rock covered by water and slippery algae which made a perfect place to slide.

Monkey Joe eventually left the island to share his bouncing, sliding fun with kids at Monkey's Joe's party and play center. Monkey Joe will even make a guest appearance at your kid's party and other events.
One mom in Lantana, FL wrote:
“My only complaint: i was under the impression that there were marked sections for different age divisions. When i got there, there was no indication that they were separated. My son is 2-1/2 and was mixed in the 8 year olds.  Now, on the positive side, once he warmed up to the place and we pulled him away from the video games, he had a blast. He was climbing up the ladders and sliding down the tallest slides all by himself. The "referees" walking around were doing their job and keeping everyone safe and were very aware of the different age divisions playing together. The colorful party rooms looked like so much fun. I would love to have my son's birthday here. They have a snack bar, with soft pretzels, sodas, pizza-by-the slice and candy, but they order out for whole pizzas from a local restaurant, and take about 1/2 hour, but it's worth it. It's good pizza.  Admission price is very reasonable. And the inflatables were very clean! I thought i would come out with my white socks all dirty, but they were still very clean. I live in Lantana, and would love it if they would open one closer to us! My son still talks about Monkey Joe's and it's been about 2 weeks since we've been there.”

Check out Monkey Joes in Boca Raton, FL.  Let your kids experience the excitement of this purple monkey and his creative playland! Monkey Joes is located at 11411B W Palmetto Park Rd. Boca Raton, FL 33428.  Their phone number is (561) 488-2272.

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Terrible 2's and How to Deal With Them!

What’s the deal when kid’s reach two? Many parents are ready to go crazy when their kids reach this age… and it continues for about a year to a year and a half.

Parents of younger infants are comforted into a sense of comfort and ease when their son or daughter reaches about 6 months. By this time infants are usually sleeping well through the night, able to sit in a high chair, can amuse themselves with play and are enthralled with mom and dad’s gaze and smile. To many, parenting at this stage appears easy and there is no way of appreciating just what lies ahead.

By 24 months however, toddlers may be bored with static toys, they are generally rather mobile – able to walk at a steady pace for several steps and highly curious. Herein lies the set-up for the terrible twos, unless equipped.

Two-year-olds have this remarkably inquisitive mind, but unquestionably, no knowledge from prior learning to comprehend “safe or harmful”, “good or bad”, “right or wrong”. As such, they simply set out to discover the world, as it is available to them. Until they learn or experience otherwise, all things are neutral. Objects have no core value and are not yet known for triggering either pleasure or pain. It’s only when the child experiences the object first hand, can they decide its worth. Value to the two-year-old is usually a meaning of the pleasure an object can bring to the child. Pleasure is derivative from touch, taste, sight, sound and scent. Some things are pleasant and “fun”, while others offer neither enjoyment nor any actual pleasure. Other items, like the taste of a sour lemon, may cause discontentment and children soon learn to avoid these.

Knowing this about normal childhood growth and development, the test facing parents is to pre-empt undesirable outcomes from their child’s exploration and learning, while taking advantage of the opportunity for positive consequences. To reduce hindrance and maximize the opportunity for your child’s learning and pleasure consider the following:

1. By this stage of life, if you haven’t already baby-proofed the home, do so. It is sensible to put away the elegant glass and china that decorates the coffee table, have safety latches on cupboard doors and gates on the stairs. Your child will discover and this is normal and healthy, so get on your knees, look at your home from your child’s point of view and fix anything that can cause harm. You will be more stress-free if you are less concerned about household safety risks.

2. Telling a two-year-old what not to do, doesn’t mean they will know what to do. As such, they may stop doing what you have told them, but may go on to another equally alarming activity. It is rational to tell a child to stop doing something, but not adequate. Every time you tell a child what not to do, follow it up by conveying to the child what they can do and be specific. So if you say, “Go play”, this gives the child permission to do almost anything, whereas if you tell the child, “You can play with the blocks or the dolls”, this more unmistakably guides the child to appropriate activities.

3. Children do need to learn safe from harmful, right and wrong, good and bad. When your child does do something you consider to be inappropriate, tell them so in a firm voice. However, don’t stop there. Next direct them to other appropriate activities and soon after let them know how they are playing well.

4. Self-esteem grows more the child advances in the mastery over their environment and self. While some areas may be off-limits, other areas should be regulated to allow exploration and play. A lower drawer in the kitchen filled with plastic bowls and utensils offers the child a safe and inviting area to learn and have fun. Consider what other places and activities are suitable for your child and make them available.

So often parents of two-year-olds feel like all they say is “No”. Use the above suggestions and you may find yourself saying “Yes” more often and those “terrible twos” may just be a little easier. By the time your child is 42 to 48 months, they will have learned much and will better understand what is safe or unsafe, right or wrong. It will be easier.

Try these suggestions and be patient!

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Babysitting Tips On Interviews

We have listed some helpful interview questions, that should help you in your search to finding the perfect sitter for your family!

It is always good to ask thorough questions to a potiental babysitter, to ensure your child will be in the best hands possible!


Questions About Previous Experience
.1.What previous experience do you have?
2.How many families have you babysat for?
3.What are the ages of the children you've babysat for in the past?
4.What is the most important thing you've learned from your previous babysitting experience?
5.Why do you want to continue babysitting?
6.Can you provide me with the names and addresses of three previous employers?

Questions About Your House Rules
.1.Are you familiar with our house rules?
2.Do you have any questions about these rules?
3.How will you enforce these rules?
4.What will you do when the children try to bend or break the rules?
5.How will you respond when the children follow the rules?

Questions About Handling Emergencies
.1.What experience do you have handling emergencies?
2.What number would you call in an emergency?
3.How would you reach me?
4.What's the first thing you would do if there were a fire?
5.What would you do if the electricity went out?

Questions About Play Time
.1.What games do you like to play with the kids?
2.If I came home unexpectedly, what might you be doing?
3.What will you do while the TV is off?
4.How will you involve the kids with meals and snacks?
5.What creative things do you like to do while you're babysitting?

Questions About Compensation
.1.What is the hourly rate that you charge for your services?
2.How would you like to be paid, with cash or a check?
3.How often do you expect to be paid?

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

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Diaper Duty, We all have to do it at some point!

Get The Scoop About Pee and Poop!

With the arrival of her second daughter two years ago, Denise Williams of Delray Beach, FL, considered herself a diapering expert.  That was, until her son Michael came along and squirted her in the face!

It may not be your first time, but it is safe to say, if you have a little baby, it probably won't be your last!  Changing diapers can be an easy process gone wrong.  So here are some tips to make it go right!

Tips for a boy!

First lay a clean diaper, washcloth, or paper towel over his penis to avoid the spray Williams got!

Lift up his legs and thoroughly clean the area beneath your son's scrotum every time you wipe him, says Jan Ingalls, charge nurse at the newborn nursery at the Riley Children’s  Hospital of Indianapolis.

While putting on a fresh diaper, direct his penis downward and toward the center to prevent leaks from the top or sides. (And don't be surprised if your guy has a little erection--it's totally normal.)

Tips for a girl

Start cleaning from the top of her labia down to the anus, checking the folds in between.

If you see a sticky substance in the vagina's folds, just wipe it away. It's most likely vernix, which protects a baby's skin in the womb and can reappear as it's secreted from the vagina.

At bathtime, rinse the area really well and skip the soap (you can clean with Cetaphil if you want more than just water). Soap has been blamed for an increase in urinary-tract infections in girls.
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